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How I built my Jekyll site

I decided that I needed a simple and easy way to maintain a personal website. I didn’t want to go through the hassle of deploying a full fledged CMS. What I found was that Github pages serves my requirements quite well. Especiallyl since GitHub pages are built upon Jekyll, a framework to generate static websites based on Ruby and using Markdown.

I don’t have to worry about hosting, buliding nor deploying my website. Everything is done on GitHub’s end. Took me a while to set it up though, but now I dig it. I even have maps as every proper geographer should have.

Also my code to run this site is a hodgepodge. Although all possible precautions have been undertaken to make sure that I am not using code I shouldn’t use, something might have slipped through. If I ended up using some code, that I shouldn’t have, just drop me an e-mail.


My setup is a mash-up of the following resources: